When you are trying to earn points it is best to know what credit cards benefit you most for what type of spend. We put mini labels on our cards to ensure we make the most out of our spending. Here are a few examples of things to pay attention to when you are shopping.
2X Venture X Rewards (Capital One)
3X Chase Sapphire Reserve
4X American Express Gold
2X Citi Rewards Card
3X Citi Premier
2X Venture X Rewards (Capital One)
3X Chase Sapphire Preserve
3X Chase Sapphire Reserve
3X American Express Green
3X Citi Premier
4X American Express Gold
5X Citi Rewards Card
5X Chase Sapphire Preserve
3X Chase Sapphire Reserve
3X American Express Green
3X Air and Hotels Citi Premier
5X on Flights American Express Platinum
5X on Prepaid Hotels American Express Gold
5X Venture X Rewards (Capital One)